계모와 섹스하고 싶은 생일 소원이 이루어진다!

5분 720p 1.7m 견해
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한 남자가 생일 케이크의 촛불을 끄고 그의 섹시한 계모와 섹스하고 싶다고 소원을 빌었습니다. 이때 괴물이 나타나 친구가 꿈꿔 왔던 일을 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다! @Gnomonneill
코멘트 (7)
  • Mr Horny: I’m in my fifties my widowed step mum, she’s in her seventies, we’ve been in a long term sexual relationship since Xmas Eve 2024, my birthday was a couple of weeks ago! My step mum gave me a nice gift and a great two hours or so in bed making love which left us slightly exhausted, we stayed in bed and had a Nap, she woke me by softly kissing my chest and lips, I opened my eyes her beautiful smile greeting me. It her birthday pretty soon, I asked her what would she really love for her birthday, she said nothing really! Just as long as I visit her early in the morning. That’ll be only present she’ll want! I said “ No Problem yes I will visit you early in the morning, I’ll even cook you breakfast, you can have it in bed, then I’ll get Naked and join you in bed, I’ll perform cunnilingus then Make love to you!” She said! Noooooo cunnilingus until we’ve made love, Don’t forget before when you gave me cunnilingus, my orgasms lasted many hours, especially that exciting tingling sensation in my pussy! It lasted past midnight,! I giggled saying Ooooh yes! I’ll never forget that! It was the first time you’d ever experienced an intensifying orgasm, she then pinched my cheeks on my face saying! Yes it was you that made it happen! I’m still on cloud nine when I think about it. So for my Birthday! I want you to visit me early in the morning! Yes you can cook my breakfast! Yes I’ll have my breakfast in bed! Yes you can get Naked and join me in bed! Yes we’ll make Love, then I’ll prepare myself while you work your magic on me performing cunnilingus. Then expect an Almighty intensifying Orgasm! (she does go wild when I do perform cunnilingus)! I’ll also take her out for Dinner! Then again she’ll still be suffering with the effects of her Orgasm,I don’t want to be in an eating establishment, and my step mum giving out little screams while eating Dinner! She loves my cooking, it’s looking like I’ll make her favourite dish, followed by Her favourite dessert! I’ve no problem cooking for her in fact I love cooking for her. She’s a great cook! But being her Birthday I’ll pamper her. There’s only one thing my Dear step mum can’t Do! That’s Make a Nice Cup of coffee! Even when my late father introduced her to me. Well over forty five years ago! I had to make them coffee! She was so enthralled with the taste of my coffee! She told me there and then! “ From now on if she wants a coffee! She’ll pleasantly ask me to make it for her! Which I didn’t mind on bit, because she showed me kindness and tenderness from the first time we met! Other than that! To me! She a very beautiful lady inside and out! Even more so! Now we’re in a long term sexual relationship.
    1 개월 전
  • Anonymous: What's the name of the song
    1년 전 4 좋아요
  • Trop cool: Trop cool
    1년 전 2 좋아요
  • Anonymous: Stepmom gets the birthday pipe, with a monster's gripe!
    1년 전 12 좋아요
  • Hat: Fuck me harder daddy
    3년 전 24 좋아요
  • Vikashkumar: Mast h
    3년 전 7 좋아요
  • How: Super
    3년 전 10 좋아요