I truly feel no man will want me once he sees the scarring under my clothes. The one thing I refuse to show, I’m showing to a million people today. Please tell me I’m wrong.

I truly feel no man will want me once he sees the scarring under my clothes. The one thing I refuse to show, I’m showing to a million people today. Please tell me I’m wrong.

28 8
  • Anonymous: You're a lovely lady and very pretty
    1년 전 2 좋아요
  • pation: u are so wrong many men don't mind
    1년 전 1 좋아요
  • Anonymous: so wrong
    1년 전 1 좋아요
  • teee: so wrong
    1년 전 1 좋아요
  • Binimergeil: Du siehst wunderschön aus
    1년 전 1 좋아요
  • Anonymous: You are
    2년 전 1 좋아요
  • Gerald: Lass uns beide etwas gegen den Bevölkerungsrückgang tun.
    12 개월 전
  • Anonymous: Não se sinta mal não, no fundo alguém te ama pela sua atitude em vez de sua aparência
    7 개월 전