wish I could time travel so I could go back & tell my younger self not to worry about getting bullied for wearing glasses because someday you'll have cool tattoos & big tits & you'll find this thing called a subreddit where they like you in yo

wish I could time travel so I could go back & tell my younger self not to worry about getting bullied for wearing glasses because someday you'll have cool tattoos & big tits & you'll find this thing called a subreddit where they like you in yo

39 3
  • Suckyhairyboy: Wow!! You're wearing dungarees....that gets me hot. I'd like to go back and kiss your younger self to reassure her, then come back to the present to suck your gorgeous tits, kiss those beautiful tats and show you how sexy you are in your glasses.......that's just for starters !!
    2년 전 5 좋아요
  • joshua: Würdest du mit mir befreundet sein oder zusammen
    1년 전 3 좋아요
  • Anonymous: Hell yea
    1년 전 2 좋아요